
Alaska’s Government School Failure: What will it take to fix them?

First Published January, 2016;  A story from Gov. Dunleavy’s former Mat-Su Senate District. A new student in my Wasilla, Alaska, Adult Basic Education (ABE) class recently expressed wonder in how much he had progressed in just a few days of math study here, and, further expressing himself told of the public high school he had

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Alaska Earthquake Awareness

The Big One Sensitized Me! Update on story first appearing in ECHO Magazine, January 10, 2019  Living in a part of the world where earthquakes are a frequent occurrence requires an understanding of what causes them and how to deal with what results when the earth starts shaking violently. Much has been learned about earthquakes

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How to Right Good

How to THINK about Writing September 6, 2018 by Donn Liston (first published in ECHO Magazine. Ship of State. Statehood group travels to Washington, D.C. in 1950 on board a DC4. Senator Gunnard Enebreth and Bob Atwood sit behind two unidentified women. B1990.014.5.StateBattle.2.21 Steve McCutcheon Collection, Atwood Resource Center, Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center, Anchorage,

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Unsupervised Youth in Anchorage

Anchorage Daily News on the Brink Originally posted on September 14, 2017 in Echo Alaska, titled: Extra! Extra! Read All About It: Donn Liston Remembers the ADN Once Anchorage was a two-newspaper town; we had three television stations delivering supplemental news in black and white, with color highlights during the early 1960s. As a kid

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