Alaska Hope

Confessions Of An Alaska Boomer

You CAN Blame Us! My Baby Boomer generation grew up in the long shadow of the Greatest Generation–Americans who lived through the Great Depression and fought for the rights and freedoms guaranteed in our USA and Alaska Constitutions. My father was a member of the following Silent Generation by one year (Born in 1929)

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Stepping Up to the Challenge: The Vision Revealed

By Jessica Schultz Pleasant Solving community problems requires vision and follow-through. While many in Anchorage recognize the difficulty of addressing homelessness, real vision begins upstream from the obvious personal tragedy of so many—by assuring those on the cusp of homelessness do not fall into the abyss. That is the mission of Shiloh Community Housing, Inc.

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The Strengthening Heartbeat of Mt View–

Celebrates the FUTURE! 1st Annual Juneteenth Celebration and Capital Campaign Kick-Off Juneteenth; a celebration of freedom! and an opportunity for SCHI to showcase our efforts todisrupt the cycle of homelessness, and kick off our capital fundraising campaign. Capital is beingraised to remodel SCHI’s Community Resource Center. The event starts at 5:30p with a Telethon–7 phone

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Hazards Veterans Faced:

Do we now Ignore the Hazards until no Veterans are Left to Tell? Some might be surprised to know that the image of Alaska as a pristine place with clean environment as far as the eye can see is a myth. In fact, the U.S. Military has made many hazardous dump sights around this state

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No Status quo Politician: What Would Can-DO Wally Hickel Do?

Update on story originally posted November 20, 2019. As Governor of Alaska, Walter Hickel knew government was not the solution to many problems and maintained an Alaska First standard for everything he made happen. There have been times when Alaska politics were entertaining, candidates knew every vote counted, and campaigns could take on the atmosphere

No Status quo Politician: What Would Can-DO Wally Hickel Do? Read More »

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