The ALASKA GOVERNMENT is controlled by Unions and special interests in the Legislature, in the Executive and in the Courts. We are still a colony of the United States of America, controlled by the Seattle suburb of Juneau, where our capitol is maintained despite The People voting to move it in the 1970s. Many people come here for their Alaska Adventure and leave nothing of value.

What is the AK Roundtable?

Alaska’s Challenges Demand Answers (2021© Ric Davidge is co-founder and “referee” of the AK Roundtable. In educational terms, one generation transfers knowledge to the next by what has been called the Intergenerational Transfer of Cognitive Knowledge.[1] That is what our teachers and schools are supposed to be doing—imparting the common knowledge to young Alaskans necessary to promote […]

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Election Reform Bait-And-Switch

We have Options Many Alaskans appear to be in denial that our modern elections could be circumvented by forces of evil. They seem to think the Alaska Ranked Choice Voting proposition that barely passed in 2020 is about taking power away from the established Democrat and Republican parties.[1] Other concerned Alaskans continue to comb the

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Alaska Election Challenges

 We Must do Better J. Christian Adams of Public Interest Legal Foundation, and Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation spoke about 2020 Alaska Election irregularities at the Alaska Roundtable on October 26, 2021. They have a wealth of information about Alaska voting and have sued many states to require election accountability. They were brought to Alaska by the Alaska Policy Forum. Alaska elections have

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The Threat of Competence

 Who is Politicizing Alaska’s Health Care Crisis?   David Morgan’s career includes over 40 years professional senior level operational management and administration, focused on community health center operations, healthcare financial operations, budgets preparation, strategic planning and networking. His technical qualifications include a background in analytical program planning for hospitals, tribal health organizations and primary care

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What Parents Can Do

The Conspiracy against $Alaska Public Education$ As residents of Anchorage revel in the coming of summer–and everybody is living the dream after a long winter–negotiating teams for the Anchorage Education Association-NEA (AEA) and the Anchorage School District (ASD) are expected to soon present a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for a vote by union members.  The current

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The Important Role of Local Government: Opportunities to Exploit

Edgar Blatchford, a born-again Democrat, spoke to EaglExit recently about how local government  can be formed or changed and opportunities to consider.(Photo by Waneta Borden) It’s a mean world. Big fish eat little fish and bullies often get their way. Russian traders came to Alaska to enslave the Natives and decimate bountiful fur seals and

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Alaskans Have Much to Lose

Fighting for Alaska Election Integrity   Spring Denali climbers are arriving in Talkeetna now, to be flown to the basecamp, where they will begin their torturous assent to the highest mountain in North America. Holly Sheldon-Lee is again busy managing a business that goes back to her father, pioneer Wager with the Wind pilot Don

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