The ALASKA GOVERNMENT is controlled by Unions and special interests in the Legislature, in the Executive and in the Courts. We are still a colony of the United States of America, controlled by the Seattle suburb of Juneau, where our capitol is maintained despite The People voting to move it in the 1970s. Many people come here for their Alaska Adventure and leave nothing of value.

Can a Ready Veteran Workforce Assure Food Security?

To Dream the Impossible Dream… Let’s imagine our elected State of Alaska officials–who like to blow smoke about Alaska Food Security–suddenly made land available for Commercial Agriculture… IMAGINE 10,000-acre parcels dedicated to serious farming endeavors instead of current 460-acre parcels where farmers do each other’s laundry. Such fantasy SOA Ag offerings would require successful bidders […]

Can a Ready Veteran Workforce Assure Food Security? Read More »

Challenges Of Mental Illness: Tell me who’s crazy… the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services!

Notice to International Readers: This site can be read in six languages. Just peck the popup at the bottom of the page to change from English. Ang site na ito ay mababasa sa anim na wika. I-peck lang ang popup sa ibaba ng page para magpalit mula sa How about that Alaska Department of Health

Challenges Of Mental Illness: Tell me who’s crazy… the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services! Read More »

Let’s Take Alaska Back!

When Will Justice Prevail? Approximately 35 percent of American oil was from foreign sources in October of 1973 when the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries announced an oil embargo against the United States in retaliation for our country’s support of Israel during the Yom Kippur War. Price of gasoline shot up, shortages were common,

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Alaskans Demand Payment!

 Juneau Permanent Fund Dividend/Food Security Machinations The Alaska Legislature marvels at our Goose Egg Nugget from catastrophic energy policies of Joe Biden in his first year as President of the United States of America.[1] A wonderful collateral benefit of the annual Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend is if somebody owes you some money, with a court judgment against them you can garnish their annual

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Anchorage Elections are a Dog’s Breakfast: Throw the Bums Out!

  Our local government has become repulsive; all the more reason why we must vote!  In about one month the good people of Anchorage will be again asked to support local government by voting for candidates professing to represent us. Our leaders say this is a cornerstone of “Democracy.” They don’t want you to know

Anchorage Elections are a Dog’s Breakfast: Throw the Bums Out! Read More »

Year-end review

Seeking Alaskan Truths in 2021 (2021©   Living the Alaskan Lifestyle is by definition active. Sitting at a computer screen or looking at a phone are not active pursuits. So, having lived the Alaskan Lifestyle 60 years means I have mostly found my groove in dealing with demands of Alaskan Life—I’ve done enough Alaskan stuff

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