The ALASKA GOVERNMENT is controlled by Unions and special interests in the Legislature, in the Executive and in the Courts. We are still a colony of the United States of America, controlled by the Seattle suburb of Juneau, where our capitol is maintained despite The People voting to move it in the 1970s. Many people come here for their Alaska Adventure and leave nothing of value.

Regular Guy and Haul Road Trucker for Legislative Senate District C

Longtime Kodiak Senator, Gary Stevens, is a good guy. He and his wife Rita are pillars of Alaska and among The Beautiful People. This writer met both Stevens’ when working as a legislative aide on the 4th floor of the Alaska Capitol during the 2018 Session of the Alaska Legislature. On one occasion, when getting […]

Regular Guy and Haul Road Trucker for Legislative Senate District C Read More »

Brian Endle: What Matters in the MatSu Valley? Election Integrity and Conservative Values

UPDATE FROM NATIONAL NEWS PLATFORM GATEWAY PUNDIT: Imagine a trained computer software developer in the MatSu Valley who intuitively questions integrity of computerized voting machines in Alaska elections. Should that person go to all the expense and trouble of running for local office to address this concern on the front line of political warfare? That’s

Brian Endle: What Matters in the MatSu Valley? Election Integrity and Conservative Values Read More »

Candidate for Alaska U. S. Senate: Karl Speights’ Patriot Platform

The Frank & Lisa Murkowski Dynasty must be very pleased at the way this US Senate election is shaping up. The more candidates running against Murkowski, the more voters will pick familiar names and waste votes on candidates who have no chance of winning. Nineteen candidates are running in the top-four primary for United States

Candidate for Alaska U. S. Senate: Karl Speights’ Patriot Platform Read More »

Huhnkie Lee

Huhnkie Lee; Social Media Sensation

I find it hilarious when people criticize me and I try to keep my sense of humor about it. I have a regular appearance online every Friday where your readers can see my presentations. Yeah, it’s a Zoom meeting, called Friday and I love Huhnkie Lee. It is open to everybody. They can talk, because I want to listen, and learn from the people all around the world: Africa, Europe, Australia, India, Vietnam, Asia, all have appeared. I am very transparent.

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EaglExit Parade

EaglExit Draft Proposal Review

What MORE do you need to know about this effort? The citizen’s group known as EaglExit declares in its current Draft Proposal for detachment (04/24/22) that residents of the Chugach-Eagle River Area are not well-served by the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) and they want the constitutionally established Alaska Local Boundary Commission (LBC) to allow detachment

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Western Alaska Deserves Better in Juneau: Willy Keppel Says He Can Make a Difference

Politics is what decides who gets what. Rural Alaska has been electing Democrats to represent them in the Alaska Legislature since before statehood but Rural Alaska remains 3rd World Status in the richest state (per capita) in the United States. But along with Alaska summer activities and the whiff of salmon being smoked is the

Western Alaska Deserves Better in Juneau: Willy Keppel Says He Can Make a Difference Read More »

Kenai Court Judges Jennifer K. Wells & William F. Morse: “Never Mind the Alaska Constitution…”

One legislator calls out Kenai Kabuki1 Court! Kenai Superior Court Judge, Jennifer K. Wells doesn’t believe the Alaska Constitution means what it says. Her boss, formerly of Kenai but now Presiding Judge of the Third Judicial District, William F. Morse, doesn’t either. Gov. Michael Dunleavy’s (Deputy) Attorney General John Skidmore has already made it very

Kenai Court Judges Jennifer K. Wells & William F. Morse: “Never Mind the Alaska Constitution…” Read More »

Paul A. Bauer: Return to Traditional Values

Voters elect exactly who they deserve in our Representative Democracy.1 We must therefore understand WHY any particular candidate is running for public office. Some run to impose their ideological agendas on everybody else, but conservatives–who mostly want to be left alone–have traditionally allowed self-serving candidates to be just that. Conversely, conservatives usually run for elected

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Watch Candidate Joe Wright: Voters here will have to make some calculated choices with RCV

A Proven Republican Steps Into the Fray: Joe Wright! Watch for a rugby style primary election scrum1 in the upcoming Eagle River-to-Eklutna Senate District L race! Voters here will have to make some calculated choices with the newly established Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in a crowded field if we expect to change the political calculus

Watch Candidate Joe Wright: Voters here will have to make some calculated choices with RCV Read More »

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