ALASKA! ELECTIONS were once steller exercises in honor and integrity. The Alaska Division of Elections used paper ballots. Citizens (including myself) took their roles as poll volunteers very seriously. The People had faith in the outcomes. That has changed with some 114,000 Alaskans receiving notice in the last statewide election that our digital information had been stolen. At this rate we will soon be a very rich state–with a small population–competing to be a third-world neighbor between Canada and Russia. Alaskans know neither neighbor is our friend but we play an important role in national security of our master, USA.

Please Vote for Me for MEA Board!

MEA Serves Eagle River Well (2021©   When Chugach/Eagle River wanted electrical power, at a time when the community was sleepy but growing, Municipal Light and Power (ML&P) didn’t want the bother of hooking us up from Anchorage. A Chugiak area activist, Justine Parks took the steps to involve Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) in delivering

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PAST Legislative Hopes

Elections Have Consequences Reflections In December of 2021 on what we hoped might be possible after the election. The Alaska Legislature in recent years has become a spectacle. We have voted for people who we thought understood what Alaskans want: Safety and Security, Limited and efficient State Govern-ment, Protection of the Permanent Fund with use

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#AncVotes by Mail

Muni Election Hopes and Fears (2020© The Municipality of Anchorage is going to have another election on April 7, 2020 which will be determined by a mail-in ballot. This is depressing on many levels; 1) the low caliber of people currently holding a majority of Muni Assembly seats, 2) the need to again hold the

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