Alaska Elected Officials

The Big Picture of EaglExit

 Looking Back, And A Vision for the Future (2021© Anyone who has lived here any length of time knows the region of the state that includes Eagle River/Chugiak/Peters Creek is a unique part of Alaska. Dan Kendall once represented this area on the Anchorage Municipal Assembly and has experienced the effort to preserve the qualities […]

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Alaska has Food Security Options

Addressing Alaska’s Hierarchy of Needs This is an update of a story that first appeared February 10, 2021. Alaskans are generally stuck at the bottom of the 5-level pyramid of human needs defined in Abraham Maslow’s 1943 paper, A Theory of Human Motivation. His 1954 book “Motivation and Personality” expanded on this theory and remains a

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PAST Legislative Hopes

Elections Have Consequences Reflections In December of 2021 on what we hoped might be possible after the election. The Alaska Legislature in recent years has become a spectacle. We have voted for people who we thought understood what Alaskans want: Safety and Security, Limited and efficient State Govern-ment, Protection of the Permanent Fund with use

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We Don’t have to be Victims:

The Long View of Crime in Alaska (2020©     During the 1970s construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline we saw our state transformed by crime; as also happened in previous fur and gold rushes. It happened simultaneous to the influx of people flooding here to build that engineering marvel, while some others arrived for diabolical

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Alaska’s economy down from China Virus: Who Can Afford to Live in Alaska?

This large book was given to every Alaska Legislator during the 30thSession in 2018 by Gov. Bill Walker, who personally inscribed amessage of hope through partnering with Communist China forresource development.  Alaska has always had a tenuous economy, buffeted by winds of boom and bust. Most economic winds are generated by capacity for natural resource

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Old Time Alaska Corruption

The Failed Impeachment of Gov. Bill Sheffield (2019© Governor Bill Sheffield grins as he walks back to the Capitol building in Juneau flanked by his attorneys John Conway and Philip Lacovara in 1985. (MICHAEL PENN / Anchorage Daily News) William Jefferson Sheffield was another father figure governor of Alaska. Elected in 1982, he was the

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Alaska’s Government School Failure: What will it take to fix them?

First Published January, 2016;  A story from Gov. Dunleavy’s former Mat-Su Senate District. A new student in my Wasilla, Alaska, Adult Basic Education (ABE) class recently expressed wonder in how much he had progressed in just a few days of math study here, and, further expressing himself told of the public high school he had

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