Alaska Elected Officials

Shame of Alaska:

Jungle Primary>Ranked Choice Voting Alaska wannabes in the political minority have been the tail that wags the dog since before 1959 statehood. 1947 territory Alaskans voted to hold Blanket Primary Elections–where all candidates of all parties were listed in each race on the primary ballot Iike beauty contestants. Alaskans voted for personalities over philosophy or […]

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No Status quo Politician: What Would Can-DO Wally Hickel Do?

Update on story originally posted November 20, 2019. As Governor of Alaska, Walter Hickel knew government was not the solution to many problems and maintained an Alaska First standard for everything he made happen. There have been times when Alaska politics were entertaining, candidates knew every vote counted, and campaigns could take on the atmosphere

No Status quo Politician: What Would Can-DO Wally Hickel Do? Read More »

Why British Petroleum left Alaska and what every Alaskan needs to know about the Oil Business

A 30-year BP Manager provides perspective BP’s Anchorage headquarters is a 15-floor, 324,000-square foot, class A office building. It was built from 1983 to 1985, and the entire campus is 18 acres and includes a cafeteria and atrium. It is one of the most recognizable buildings in Alaska. (The company also built and operates the

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Adventures in Juneau–You cannot know how Alaska’s Capital works without going there.  

 Previously published in Echo Magazine January 25, 2018 Donn Liston confronts Senator Rodey   Few Alaskans bother to visit our state capital city where elected officials pass laws and conduct state business. There is good reason for this. Being a product of Southcentral Alaska myself, as a young man I wondered about what Juneau was like, and

Adventures in Juneau–You cannot know how Alaska’s Capital works without going there.   Read More »

Bert Cottle

Alaska City on the Move: WASILLA! (A Tribute to Mayor Bert Cottle on his passing)

The new Wasilla Sonic restaurant is located in the Sun Mountain development. It did $500,000 worth of business in its first three days. Note: This story was Published October 31, 2019 after an enthusiastic presentation by Wasilla Mayor Bert Cottle to the Susitna Rotary in the last months of his tenure in that position. He

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Candidate for Alaska U. S. Senate: Karl Speights’ Patriot Platform

The Frank & Lisa Murkowski Dynasty must be very pleased at the way this US Senate election is shaping up. The more candidates running against Murkowski, the more voters will pick familiar names and waste votes on candidates who have no chance of winning. Nineteen candidates are running in the top-four primary for United States

Candidate for Alaska U. S. Senate: Karl Speights’ Patriot Platform Read More »

Huhnkie Lee

Huhnkie Lee; Social Media Sensation

I find it hilarious when people criticize me and I try to keep my sense of humor about it. I have a regular appearance online every Friday where your readers can see my presentations. Yeah, it’s a Zoom meeting, called Friday and I love Huhnkie Lee. It is open to everybody. They can talk, because I want to listen, and learn from the people all around the world: Africa, Europe, Australia, India, Vietnam, Asia, all have appeared. I am very transparent.

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Western Alaska Deserves Better in Juneau: Willy Keppel Says He Can Make a Difference

Politics is what decides who gets what. Rural Alaska has been electing Democrats to represent them in the Alaska Legislature since before statehood but Rural Alaska remains 3rd World Status in the richest state (per capita) in the United States. But along with Alaska summer activities and the whiff of salmon being smoked is the

Western Alaska Deserves Better in Juneau: Willy Keppel Says He Can Make a Difference Read More »

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