The ALASKA GOVERNMENT is controlled by Unions and special interests in the Legislature, in the Executive and in the Courts. We are still a colony of the United States of America, controlled by the Seattle suburb of Juneau, where our capitol is maintained despite The People voting to move it in the 1970s. Many people come here for their Alaska Adventure and leave nothing of value.

8th Grade at Yakutat, AK

Life Lessons about Alaska Public Education This writer’s longest time away from Alaska over 60 years living there was when I went to Tonasket, Washington to attend some high school. This was necessary because Yakutat had two K-8 schools but no high school. I attended three Tonasket HS semesters–coming home between each–before our family moved […]

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Confessions Of An Alaska Boomer

You CAN Blame Us! My Baby Boomer generation grew up in the long shadow of the Greatest Generation–Americans who lived through the Great Depression and fought for the rights and freedoms guaranteed in our USA and Alaska Constitutions. My father was a member of the following Silent Generation by one year (Born in 1929)

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