I am an Independent Journalist and retired teacher. I have resided over 60 consecutive winters socially, academically and politically as an active Alaska participant. I write on the wondrous people, scoundrals and events I have witnessed since statehood in 1959. The theme is: How did we get here and where we are going as a state? I invite your respectful participation in the discussion.

GED for ALL!

…it’s not just for “Drop-outs.” Update of story first published March 14, 2016 As Alaska Legislators debate how much Protection Money they will again award the Union Cartel that throttles our failing government education factories, perhaps Alaskans should accept what many intelligent parents have learned: The GED is set at 12th grade and students

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Meat is Essential!

How Can Alaska Gain True Food Security? This updated story was first published June 5, 2020  Alaskan grown beef prepared for market at Mt. McKinley Meats & Sausages. Alaskans know when calamity strikes we can expect to see responding events happen fast. The November 2018 earthquake was such a wake up call–and the pandemic of

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Devastated by Cancer

Imagine the Worst that Could Happen… This is an updated version of an article first appearing in the Echo Regional Magazine July 2018. My wife of 29 years, Cathy Liston was diagnosed with terminal Lung Cancer in April, 2017 and died February 24, 2019. In July of 2018 my wife Cathy Liston left our mountainside

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Juneau’s Influence on Alaska Lawmakers

Approved by Legislative Affairs Agency Updated reflection previously published May 1, 2018, ECHO Magazinealso, Senior Voice:  Easter was on April Fool’s Day this year and Good Friday was chosen as a great time to feature the Annual Legislative Skits. They began decades ago as a fundraiser for the Democratic Party. The show, which features staff

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