I am an Independent Journalist and retired teacher. I have resided over 60 consecutive winters socially, academically and politically as an active Alaska participant. I write on the wondrous people, scoundrals and events I have witnessed since statehood in 1959. The theme is: How did we get here and where we are going as a state? I invite your respectful participation in the discussion.

Alaska’s Covid Pandemic Battle

Ship of Fools Fights Covid-19 at Anchorage This story has been updated since its original posting February, 2021 but reflects this writer’s understanding of the situation at the time.. Some might think our recent Covid-19 Pandemic was mitigated by destroying the private sector economy of Anchorage. Looking over the events of the last year, and

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Stepping Up to the Challenge: The Vision Revealed

By Jessica Schultz Pleasant Solving community problems requires vision and follow-through. While many in Anchorage recognize the difficulty of addressing homelessness, real vision begins upstream from the obvious personal tragedy of so many—by assuring those on the cusp of homelessness do not fall into the abyss. That is the mission of Shiloh Community Housing, Inc.

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The Strengthening Heartbeat of Mt View–

Celebrates the FUTURE! 1st Annual Juneteenth Celebration and Capital Campaign Kick-Off Juneteenth; a celebration of freedom! and an opportunity for SCHI to showcase our efforts todisrupt the cycle of homelessness, and kick off our capital fundraising campaign. Capital is beingraised to remodel SCHI’s Community Resource Center. The event starts at 5:30p with a Telethon–7 phone

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Former Philippine Capitol Makes Dandy Museum

…and Revelations about Juneau’s Capital Theme Park [1]Rizal Park This Museum is an art and culture mecca. A trust of the Government, is an educational, scientific and cultural institution that acquires, documents, preserves, exhibits, and fosters scholarly study and public appreciation of works of art, specimens, and cultural and historical artifacts representative of the unique

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Courage AGAINST the Death Cult!

Human Life has Inherent Value In Philippines Manila, Republic of Philippines—When I first arrived here December 8, 2022 the most shocking thing was the traffic from the airport into the city. It was dark and seemed so random–a river of high-speed automobiles, Jeepney personnel carriers and busses moving like blocks of ice on the Yukon

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