I am an Independent Journalist and retired teacher. I have resided over 60 consecutive winters socially, academically and politically as an active Alaska participant. I write on the wondrous people, scoundrals and events I have witnessed since statehood in 1959. The theme is: How did we get here and where we are going as a state? I invite your respectful participation in the discussion.

Alaska Pandemic Business Survivor!

Kim’s Asian Cuisine and Bistro in Eagle River, First published in December of 2021. We who have won Gods’s great lottery to be Americans (4.25% of the world’s population)—greater odds for Alaskans!—can only imagine what depravity and destitution occur from the ravages of war. [1]US Population Clock Being the state with the highest percentage of […]

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Election Reform Bait-And-Switch

We have Options Many Alaskans appear to be in denial that our modern elections could be circumvented by forces of evil. They seem to think the Alaska Ranked Choice Voting proposition that barely passed in 2020 is about taking power away from the established Democrat and Republican parties.[1] Other concerned Alaskans continue to comb the

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Alaska Election Challenges

 We Must do Better J. Christian Adams of Public Interest Legal Foundation, and Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation spoke about 2020 Alaska Election irregularities at the Alaska Roundtable on October 26, 2021. They have a wealth of information about Alaska voting and have sued many states to require election accountability. They were brought to Alaska by the Alaska Policy Forum. Alaska elections have

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The Certificate of Need Scam Fuels Alaska’s Healthcare Crisis

  As the First Regular Session of the Alaska Legislature stumbles through its Fourth Special Session with very little to show for all the per diem racked up by elected officials cavorting in Juneau, perhaps now is a good time to look closer at a crisis being amplified by Covid hysteria amid outright legislative dithering.

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Talkeetna Reflections:

Is change always good? A U.S. Geological Survey party at work, near present-day Talkeetna.Stephen R. Capps Collection, UAF Rural Alaska in the 1950s–60s–70s was rugged, with community members pulling together to face good times and bad; any individual member or family could need help at any time, and all shared in opportunities. Quality of daily

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The Threat of Competence

 Who is Politicizing Alaska’s Health Care Crisis?   David Morgan’s career includes over 40 years professional senior level operational management and administration, focused on community health center operations, healthcare financial operations, budgets preparation, strategic planning and networking. His technical qualifications include a background in analytical program planning for hospitals, tribal health organizations and primary care

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