I am an Independent Journalist and retired teacher. I have resided over 60 consecutive winters socially, academically and politically as an active Alaska participant. I write on the wondrous people, scoundrals and events I have witnessed since statehood in 1959. The theme is: How did we get here and where we are going as a state? I invite your respectful participation in the discussion.

Anchorage Elections are a Dog’s Breakfast: Throw the Bums Out!

  Our local government has become repulsive; all the more reason why we must vote!  In about one month the good people of Anchorage will be again asked to support local government by voting for candidates professing to represent us. Our leaders say this is a cornerstone of “Democracy.” They don’t want you to know

Anchorage Elections are a Dog’s Breakfast: Throw the Bums Out! Read More »

Consequences from Life Choices

ACPE Higher Education Opportunities   Brother, Dana Scott Liston had a terrible accident in Hawaii and this photo was taken when our mother, half sister Becky McLaughlin and mother’s husband, Gil Martin, came to see him at the hospital. Scott has been a quadriplegic since 1989. Looking back over a life of making good and

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Year-end review

Seeking Alaskan Truths in 2021 (2021©   Living the Alaskan Lifestyle is by definition active. Sitting at a computer screen or looking at a phone are not active pursuits. So, having lived the Alaskan Lifestyle 60 years means I have mostly found my groove in dealing with demands of Alaskan Life—I’ve done enough Alaskan stuff

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What is the AK Roundtable?

Alaska’s Challenges Demand Answers (2021© Ric Davidge is co-founder and “referee” of the AK Roundtable. In educational terms, one generation transfers knowledge to the next by what has been called the Intergenerational Transfer of Cognitive Knowledge.[1] That is what our teachers and schools are supposed to be doing—imparting the common knowledge to young Alaskans necessary to promote

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Alaska’s Private Education Legacy; The Unfortunate Demise of Tom Thumb Montessori Schools

The writer and Margret Green award diplomas to one member of the last graduating class of Tom Thumb Montessori Schools, A previous reduced version of this story was published August 9, 2018 in ECHO Magazine Many Alaskan baby boomers experienced a remarkable 40-year Anchorage private education option at a school system I was proud in

Alaska’s Private Education Legacy; The Unfortunate Demise of Tom Thumb Montessori Schools Read More »

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