Big Mike’s Legacies of Failure…
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Nobody in Alaska seems to care about the crime rate anymore so this story should offend plenty of elected officials and judges who have allowed our state to descend into anarchy. Laws don’t matter, courts don’t care, and smart people are packing…to get the hell out of Alaska!
I have witnessed it first-hand; it wasn’t too long ago that the Omnibus Crime Bill SB 91 caused an outpouring of concern about crime in Alaska. Gov. Michael Dunleavy campaigned on public safety by repealing that flawed law. He signed House Bill 49 to do that on July 8, 2019. His Must Read Alaska fan club cheered.
[2]New Sheriff in town: Repeal of SB 91 signed into law, Must Read Alaska
Too bad this was all just political grandstanding and the crime situation in Alaska continues to get worse. Every Alaskan is at-risk every day.

When Dunleavy was elected governor in 2018 Alaska had an annual murder rate of 6.4/100,000 population, forcible rape rate was 161.9/100,000. Murder rate in 2022 is now 9.6/100,000 and rape rate is 143.1/100,000. Other crime Indexes for those years speak for themselves—over Dunleavy’s time in office the crime rates have fluctuated up and down but trend upward.
Today Alaska is a More Dangerous Place

Dunleavy’s Alaska is the Crime Capital of USA
Simultaneous to passing the crime bill to replace SB 91, Gov. Dunleavy also embarked upon another grand-standing adventure by cutting the state budget, in particular the court system. Certainly, the Alaska budget needs to be cut, but deciding where to cut is critical. Dunleavy cuts placed higher expectations on the criminal justice system but provided lower resources to prosecute offenders.
Who told Mike that was a good idea?
Cut the Court Budget to Punish Abortion Decisions?
According to a June 29, 2019 story in the Associated Press:
Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy has cut from the state court system an amount his administration says is commensurate to that for state-funded abortions.
A budget document explaining the $334,000 cut says the legislative and executive branches oppose state funding of “elective” abortions. It says the only branch that “insists” on them is the Alaska Supreme Court.
A court system spokeswoman had no immediate comment.
The Alaska Supreme Court has held that the state must fund medically necessary abortions if it funds medically necessary services for others with financial needs.
Jessica Cler, Alaska state director for Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii, called Dunleavy’s budget cut spiteful.
The cut was among a list of vetoes announced by Dunleavy on Friday.
[3]Associated Press, The Latest: Dunleavy cuts from courts over abortion dispute
All Grandstanding
Budgets passed by Legislators, elected in their districts to cavort with special interests in backwater Juneau during session, are now out of control year after year. Dunleavy trims them a little and signs them. Hopes for the State of Alaska following statutory law and past practice to pay amounts due from the Alaska Permanent Fund are shattered. Remember that promise from Mike?
Dunleavy has lots of excuses why the State of Alaska doesn’t follow the law and if you don’t like it go to court…
In response to cuts in 2019 Alaska courts went to a 4-day schedule and employees all apparently moved to the labor action known as Work-to-Rule. As a former Alaska State Employees Association/AFSCME Local 52 union business agent in Juneau, I can tell you working to rule is an organized action to do the minimum required of your position and nothing more–to get management’s attention.

Work-to-rule is apparently now in the AK Court’s SOP. The whole system moves like a clay fart.
Judges take months to render decisions, because in fact they are swamped given the increase in crime since SB 91 was replaced with empty promises. For state employees (25% of the employment in Alaska) it all pays the same and they only have to make it to retirement.
How the Court System Adapted
Everything Dunleavy is political grandstanding, nothing more. This governor doesn’t have the guts to really take on the abortion death cult or face the reality of our bottom of the nation schools or tackle the Office of Children’s Services destruction of Alaska families. The US Supreme Court case Roe vs Wade has been overturned but like so many Alaska phenomenon current practice will continue until forced to change by a federal court.
From my previous story describing Alaska’s Death Cult: Abortion is legal in Alaska because our Supreme Court in 1997 recognized a fundamental right to reproductive choice under the Alaska Constitution. The court did not recognize the fundamental right to life of an unborn Alaskan in the womb. As a result of this misguided decision, public money from Medicare is today spent on abortions.
Gov. Michael Dunleavy—a former teacher who came here with other Oil Rush Argonauts—declared in his annual address in December 2022 that he wanted to make Alaska the most pro-life state in America. It is time to prove up on that claim, Governor! This is your golden opportunity to fulfill that promise, using your constitutional authority to challenge an unconstitutional legal decision.
[4]Courage Against the Death Cult, DONN LISTON, June 3, 2023
Gov. Dunleavy won’t try to change abortion laws to conform with civilization standards. He doesn’t care if Alaska is at the bottom of the nation in education outcomes, either. He is too busy bestowing favors by appointing rich kids of Entertainment Media to the Alaska Permanent Fund Board and co-opting the Alaska Supreme Court to require the Alaska Attorney General to be Alaska’s Grand Jury gatekeeper to the courts–in collusion WITH the Supreme Court!
[5]The State ALWAYS Wins in Alaska’s Court System Casino
Why Should Good People Stay in Alaska?

My best friend, Dan Maher has lived in Mt. View 25 years and finally had to throw in the towel; the place is unlivable for a senior Alaskan—even if he does have 25 guns and lots of ammunition. A retired social worker, Maher gets along with just about anybody who can tolerate his jokes–and opinions that tend conservative. He attended Community Council meetings, was active in the annual neighborhood clean-up, and could always be counted on to help push a car stuck on a snow berm. But over the years of our friendship Dan has reflected to me the nature of his community, watching the homeless camps decimate the wooded area of Davis Park where we walked our dogs, knowing a call to APD would possibly result in an officer showing up in an hour or two–until Dan finally realize he could do better. In October Dan packed up a trailer of what he wanted to keep from Alaska, and drove out to property he has long owned in Minnesota.
When Dan moved into his historic cabin on Peterkin Street, Mt View was a place for people doing their best and getting by.
Alaska is just memories now for Dan. And Anchorage is the worse for losing good citizens like Dan in our legacy neighborhoods now become crime havens.
Alaska’s Crime Epidemic

Ironically, since coming to Philippines in December of 2022 the crime rate here has decreased.
Citing the latest data from its PH Crime Information Reporting and Analysis System (CIRAS), the police force recorded a total of 32,031 index crimes from Jan. 1 to Oct. 31 this year — a decrease of 2,877 cases from 34,908 cases logged in the same period last year.
[6]Crime Rate in Philippines: PNP: PH crime rate down 8% from Jan. to Oct. 2023

Reality Check
Why would any normal person with a family decide to move TO Alaska from any other state than the District of Columbia? Those who think they are leaving a bad situation to start fresh in Alaska are likely going from bad to worse. Traditionally many people in the US military chose to retire in Alaska, but how foolish is that now? Vulnerable people are an easy target for scammers. These are the crime statistics for Anchorage. They only represent calls for which reports were filed.

Crime is Personal When it Happens to You!
These numbers for Alaska’s crime rate are difficult to fathom unless you have personally experienced crime, as I have. My home in Eagle River was burglarized March 9-10, 2022 by real estate scammers Bill and Waneta Borden. They have admitted in court to breaking into my home, stealing my Ring Security System, a like-new Honda generator and a lockbox safe with some $15,000-$20,000 in cash and valuables. I kept that cash as a backup for my mortgage in case my monthly fixed income didn’t cover it–since I no longer had Cathy’s income after her death in February, 2019. We had been married 29 years and her loss impacted me deeply.
This criminal act has put my home at risk of foreclosure.
Waneta first contacted me from Kentucky July 31, 2018. An elaborate confidence scheme was then hatched and implemented with her son Bill at the darkest time of my life. These are facts already litigated but two court decisions are pending.
Bordens are great friends of the Dunleavys. In early 2022 they sent the governor, Sen. Shelley Hughes and others who know me, Revenge Porn images they stole in a violation of my constitutionally protected right to privacy. They even submitted those illegal Revenge Porn images of naked consenting adults to the courts in a filing!
Nothing happened to them. The Alaska courts returned the images to Bill. tsk-tsk
I had realized I was being cat fished by the Bordens over time. As things fell apart in our relationships I looked for a way out. I have documented extensively in court pleadings how Bordens used the technique of Indenture to overwhelm me with stuff piled in my home and pets of a hoarder. Developed in the Old South after slaves were freed, indenture seeks to control people by creating dependencies and controlling access to money or resources.
I fell into the trap.
Bordens were obviously after the home Cathy and I had lived in 12 years. Ultimately Bordens accused me of something I would never do to facilitate this premeditated crime–they had me arrested and put into jail on false charges of Domestic Violence Assault.

Bordens had Criminal Intent
Wouldn’t any Alaskan expect the Criminal Justice System to Prosecute such a violation of an innocent Alaskan Senior once the truth was known? It has been documented in numerous hearings and court filings but our constipated courts are either overwhelmed or working to rule, maybe both.
[7]District Attorney Dismissal of all charges
Additionally, upon breaking into my home, Bordens committed cybercrimes on my computer, damaged the home and changed the locks to add inconvenience upon my return from jail. On February 13, 2023 a court ordered Bill Borden, who lives in Georgia and owns a real estate company with a branch in Alaska, to return the named items within 10 days. It hasn’t happened in now nine months and you can be certain the Alaska Attorney General isn’t doing anything about this interstate crime.

Appeal to The Court of Public Opinion
Courts are supposed to provide a means to resolve conflict. If they are not working the conflict must be resolved by other means. I have taken my case to the courts and in the absence of justice have taken it public as a matter of statewide interest and as a longstanding member of the press.

Apparently, the scammers biggest goal was to shut me up after Borden’s unethical deal in professing to sell the Mt. McKinley Meats and Sausages Palmer slaughterhouse. Bordens have failed to shut me up and were likely targeting me for further crime as a senior living alone in a house in rural Eagle River.
Why Else Would Bordens Steal My Security System?
I told the judge during a 5-hour hearing for another case, October 26: A person could rent a car at Ted Stevens Airport, drive to my home anytime day or night, summarily execute me, and drive back to turn in the car, before flying back to Atlanta, GA. Nobody would ever know who did it.
It would have been cheaper than what it has cost Bordens for attorneys!
I have previously documented the Borden’s scam and look forward to writing my next book about defending myself pro se against $400/hr attorneys representing a woman who declares she is on a fixed income from Social Security (and minimum investments) before our Alaska courts.

The Dunleavy Scam
Not a single aborted baby has been saved by cutting the budget of our court system but our state is now in late stages of anarchy. Innocent people are set up by scammers who know Alaska public safety is marginal. There is no way to enforce an order of the court and anyone living here can be targeted and victimized by criminals. like the Bordens, from anywhere in the world.
Time to Cut Losses
Bordens have lost every false case they have brought against me at trial, and lately have been so bold as to ask the court to impose a gag order to restrain my reporting facts of their criminal behavior! Their attorney says I have hurt their feelings. They apparently don’t think other Alaskans have any right to know what kind of people prey on good Alaskans and how they do it in Dunleavy’s lawless Alaska.
Bordens are not so different from other politically motivated criminals trying to gag Donald Trump!
[8]Trump Gag Order Raises Unsettled Constitutional Questions
This writer has fought the Borden criminal enterprise alone. I have been in exile from Alaska since December 2022.
I am glad I chose to be safe than sorry.

[1]CrimeInAlaska-Uniform Crime Reporting Program Annual Reorts 1976-Present
[2]New Sheriff in town: Repeal of SB 91 signed into law, Must Read Alaska
[3]Associated Press, The Latest: Dunleavy cuts from courts over abortion dispute
[4]Courage Against the Death Cult, DONN LISTON, JUNE 3, 2023
[5]The State ALWAYS Wins in Alaska’s Court System Casino
[6] PNP: PH crime rate down 8% from Jan. to Oct. 2023
[7]District Attorney Dismissal of all charges

[8]Trump Gag Order Raises Unsettled Constitutional Questions

Certainly isn’t dangerous where I live in Gustavus, Alaska. We don’t lock our doors or take keys out of vehicles. We don’t have any cops, no building permits, no property tax, no license plates, and very little crime.