The Mask Mandate was ALWAYS a hoax

People who live in and around Seattle have good reasons for wanting to fly Seattle Airlines: Violent crimes and car thefts around Seattle in 2022 were the highest they’ve been in 15 years. That’s among a handful of takeaways from the Seattle Police Department’s report on crime statistics for last year.
Now we know definitively what many of us suspected all along: Mask Mandates did nothing to prevent spread of the China Virus, Covid-19. It was all a hoax likely causing more harm than good.
China’s biochemical assault against civilization was a success for Communism, and the Biden Family Crime Syndicate is now at the top of their game with The Big Guy as President of the United States of America. We also know from information discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop computer, that China owns our president.
[1]Wall Street Journal, Potomac Watch, April 24, 2023

Take a Mask Mandate Hoax Bow, Democrats
The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis of scientific studies conducted on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses — including Covid-19 — was published January 30, 2023. Its conclusions, said Tom Jefferson, the Oxford epidemiologist who is its lead author, were unambiguous.

There is just no evidence that they — masks — make any difference, he told the journalist Maryanne Demasi. Full stop.
[2]The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?
From the NYT Article: Jefferson and 11 colleagues conducted the study for Cochrane, a British nonprofit that is widely considered the gold standard for its reviews of health care data. The conclusions were based on 78 randomized controlled trials, six of them during the Covid pandemic, with a total of 610,872 participants in multiple countries. And they track what has been widely observed in the United States: States with mask mandates fared no better against Covid than those without.
Participating Alaska Elected Officials will never admit they were duped into violating our most fundamental Constitutional Rights, except notably ONE elected senator, who was targeted and harassed, and ridiculed unmercifully for standing up against the mob.

That ONE is Lora Reinbold
Dr. Jefferson states further: But when it comes to the population-level benefits of masking, the verdict is in: Mask mandates were a bust. Those skeptics who were furiously mocked as cranks and occasionally censored as “misinformers” for opposing mandates were right. The mainstream experts and pundits who supported mandates were wrong. In a better world, it would behoove the latter group to acknowledge their error, along with its considerable physical, psychological, pedagogical and political costs.
[3]Four identified costs of false Mask Mandates
Physical: “Mask Mouth Syndrome”-An emerging oral health threat during the COVID-19 pandemic
Psychological: Research suggests mask-wearing can increase struggles with social anxiety
Pedagogical: Growing Calls to Take Masks off children in schools (NPR)
Political: The politics of mask-wearing: Political preferences, reactance, and conflict aversion during COVID

Those who insist we must “trust the science” can read the report for themselves.
[3]Study: Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respirator
This Hoax also showed the true character of some of our Elected Officials at the Alaska Capitol in North Seattle
From complaint 3:2023cv00087, filed April 21, 2023, in US District Court for the State of Alaska:

Of course the Beautiful People at Seattle Airlines didn’t respond appropriately. Sen Reinbold relates her experience of having the gate agent assert that the CDC mask exemption from her doctor had to be reviewed–along with her medical records–by the Seattle Airlines medical doctor to approve an exemption on Seattle Airlines, according to the complaint.
Any Licensed Alaska doctor would never be good
enough for Seattle Airlines
Sen. Reinbold explained to the Seattle Airlines check-in agent that it would violate HIPAA Law to require her to surrender her own medical records to the Seattle Airlines doctor–before they would grant her an exception–and a few other agents joined the conversation and began forcefully insisting she wear the blue paper mask instead of her face shield recommended for her disability by her doctor.
The honorable senator of course
complied with that request.
Imagine the rush of adrenaline these Seattle Airlines BIMBOS must have felt to be able to bully and try to intimidate the senator some have credited with being the Conservative Leader in the Alaska Legislature!
[4]Juneau’s Influence on Alaska Lawmakers; Approved by Legislative Affairs Agency
As regular readers of my works already know, Lora Reinbold was my Chugiak/Eagle River senator. As events surrounding the Mask Mandate Hoax evolved over the next months this writer became one of a large number of Alaskans evermore angry at Seattle Airlines. This company targeted my elected senator, and selectively leaked information to make her appear to be at the intellectual level of their own pedantic Artificially Intelligent flight crews.

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, OR it can be the result of Learned Ignorance by humans.
Because Backwater Juneau has only air or water access, the monopoly business Seattle Airlines attempted to hamper my Alaska representative from serving at the backwater capital in violation of the Alaska Constitution. Elected officials are provided certain immunity associated with their elected position when traveling to their backwater work station, but Seattle Airlines couldn’t care less about the Alaska Constitution.
[5] Constitutional immunity of Alaska elected officials.
Dude, Why would WOKE Seattle Airlines care about ANY obligations to an ALASKAN Elected Official requiring transportation to Backwater Juneau?
All anybody in Seattle knows about Alaska is that it is easy to milk every dollar passing through that City-in-Decline to control our cost-of-living while simultaneously sabotaging our government in Seattle’s Juneau suburb. This is an old story.
[6]Alaska’s Capital Move Efforts: O Ye, of Little Faith
Further events–demonstrating open hostility toward my senator–by named and unnamed Seattle Airlines employees in this complaint, are chilling. Seattle Airlines was more afraid of her than she was of them.

Throughout this ordeal Sen. Reinbold maintained her dignity and decorum, asking appropriate questions, despite multiple persons threatening her and ultimately restricting her completely from flying to Backwater Juneau. She had to find alternative means for getting to Juneau for important votes impacting my district. The restriction on my senator was not for just the customary 30 days, but was for almost one year—interfering with her elected duty to serve in each session and special session of the Alaska Legislature during that time.
Alaskans must ask: Should a privileged sole-source airline be able to do that to ANY Elected Alaska Official?
Seattle Airlines put Sen. Reinbold at risk of bodily harm for what?

Damsel in Distress Be Damned
This triggered back-channel Seattle Airlines enablers.

Being a Principled Republican, whom the Good Ol’ Boys had previously punished for refusing to go along with their Binding Caucus nonsense, Sen. Reinbold became a target. At one point she had lost all staff for not voting for another in what is even to today a long string of bloated budgets. The Mask Mandate was just another opportunity to diminish her, as the senator from an affluent and conservative district, who was willing to stand her ground on behalf of her constituents.
Reinbold’s Senate replacement, Kelly Merrick is owned by special interests and could care less what constituents like this writer expect of their elected officials
[7]Who Owns Kelly Merrick?

As a constituent of Sen. Reinbold I personally supported her opposition to continuing the Governor’s unnecessary and overreaching Disaster Mandates. I appreciated my senator going to such lengths to assure my concerns were registered.
[8]HB75 Transmittal Letter
[9]House and Senate votes on HB 75
[10]HB 75 as passed
From the complaint:

Again, 4th Cause of Action in the complaint:

Newly revealed emails show how Dr. Anthony Fauci constantly changed his opinion on how effective the use of masks are to the American public.
[11]Fauci Emails show, New York Post
The Indignity of False Accusations of Wrongdoing
We know now the entire Covid-19 event was an exercise in how much Americans would allow their Constitutional Rights to be diminished by government/media hysteria. Not since the events of 911-2001 have our rights been so compromised. A primary reason for this violation is Government Agencies like the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
In the already referenced NYT piece by Bret Stephens, he condemns the continued mindless efforts by CDC to impose mask mandates.
Stephens: In congressional testimony this month, Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, called into question the Cochrane analysis’s reliance on a small number of Covid-specific randomized controlled trials and insisted that her agency’s guidance on masking in schools wouldn’t change. If she ever wonders why respect for the C.D.C. keeps falling, she could look to herself, and resign, and leave it to someone else to reorganize her agency.

Rep. Reinbold talks with a constituent in the gallery during a floor session at-ease. Lora Reinbold diid not encourage or contribute to this story.
Public service can be difficult for anyone. The need to drop everything for 3-5 months to convene legislative sessions in Backwater Juneau make it tougher for anyone with responsibilities in their home community. Logistics of this requirement limits the number of qualified and principled Alaskans who are willing to consider it. Lora Reinbold stepped up and at great personal cost was an excellent representative for the Chugiak/Eagle River region of Alaska. It’s a damn shame she became such a threat to the Beautiful People that they had to use the Big Lie to attack her and cause her to not consider even bothering to run again. In her pro se case I hope she is awarded every penny she is asking for.
Most important of all Lora Reinbold wasn’t bought and paid for by special interests. Today that is very rare in an Alaska elected official.
If you appreciate my authentic efforts to tell what is really happening beyond the noise and distractions of traditional media, please consider kicking in a contribution.
I could REALLY use it.
Thank you,

[1]Wall Street Journal, Potomac Watch, April 24, 2023
[2]The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned? Brett Stephens, The New York Times, February 21, 2023
[3]Juneau’s Influence on Alaska Lawmakers; Approved by Legislative Affairs Agency
[4]Physical: “Mask Mouth Syndrome”-An emerging oral health threat during the COVID-19 pandemic
Psychological:Research suggests mask-wearing can increase struggles with social anxiety
Pedigogical: Growing Calls to Take Masks off children in schools
Political: The politics of mask-wearing: Political preferences, reactance, and conflict aversion during COVID
[4]Study: Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses
[5]Constitutional Immunity of Alaska elected officials
§ 6. Immunities
Legislators may not be held to answer before any other tribunal for any statement made in the exercise of their legislative duties while the legislature is in session. Members attending, going to, or returning from legislative sessions are not subject to civil process and are privileged from arrest except for felony or breach of the peace.
[6]Alaska’s Capital Move Efforts: O Ye, of Little Faith
[7]Who Owns Kelly Merrick?

[8]HB75 Transmittal Letter
[8]House and Senate votes on HB 75

[9]HB 76 as passed
[10]Fauci Emails show, New York Post