Brian Endle: What Matters in the MatSu Valley? Election Integrity and Conservative Values

The MatSu Borough Assembly passed a resolution September 6, 2022 to centralize ballot counting at the Borough Building in all future elections, but machines will still be used. Further information about how elections could be improved and better secured can be found at:


What’s in the Ordinance (ORD 22-119): 1. Voting Machines are gone. 2. Precinct Hand Count 3. Candidate Rep can see and hear

What’s not: 1. Serial Number on Ballot. This can be an amendment later. 2. Cameras are not mandated. This can be an amendment later. 3. Effective Date is set for Jan 1, 2023

Imagine a trained computer software developer in the MatSu Valley who intuitively questions integrity of computerized voting machines in Alaska elections. Should that person go to all the expense and trouble of running for local office to address this concern on the front line of political warfare?

That’s what Brian Endle has chosen to do. And while he isn’t a one-issue candidate he believes without secure elections nothing else matters.

Endle’s Professional Profile on

I have 20 years IT experience–I started out as a programmer and then worked my way up to supervise a number of IT programmers and started managing projects and implementations, explained Endle. I worked at a number of companies up here before settling on MTA for about 12 years. MTA was great company. Then I went to Conoco Phillips for a couple of years, where I continued to work as a project manager, doing some of the same things I did at MTA– implementing and managing IT solutions.

With my technical background I became particularly concerned about voting machines. We’ve been working hard to get rid of voting machines in the MatSu Valley, continued Endle in an exclusive interview. I’m not concerned with the way the elections are run or with the clerk–everything I hear she’s top notch. It’s not about the assembly, co-workers, anybody who works with the polls, poll watchers, etc. My concern is with the machines themselves. We want a hand count of every election and to get rid of the machines.((Alaska Election Integrity Questions, March 3, 2021))

A previous story on this website also considered how elections were done before computers:

This has required collective political action

Our biggest success so far is an ordinance coming forward for introduction October 4 with public hearing October 18, said Endle. This is most all we’ve asked for, with an effective date of January 1, 2023. We are continuing to give the Assembly new information at each Assembly meeting. We will be prepared on the 18th to testify and push for machines to be gone and all ballots hand counted.

Engle says the voting machines used in the valley–indeed all over the state–are junk and vulnerable to corruption. They are unnecessary and Endle has gone to considerable effort to demonstrate how elections could be run more efficiently and securely.

Videos describing the “Sort and Stack” method currently used to count ballots demonstrates how a proposed new method of organizing and counting ballots by which the Division of Elections could save as much as one hour per 1000 ballots. (Links at

The effort started before the 2020 Election

I joined the group that formed in 2019 before the 2020 election, continued Endle. I remember there were quite a few, including Holly Sheldon-Lee concerned about Election Integrity. I joined the group because I had technical expertise and experience.

Endle was mentioned in this previous story:1

Our goal was to present something to the lieutenant governor, also the governor, which we did–documenting vulnerabilities of these machines—and the fact that they could be hacked, said Endle. We showed videos of how it could happen. At the time, we had actual machines and we demonstrated how they could be hacked in minutes. Cyber-security professionals demonstrated it is possible to go on the internet and buy these tools to hack the machines. And we showed Lt. Gov. Keven Meyer directly how elections could be flipped–we actually videoed it on Alaska Republican Assembly for him, but nothing happened.

Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer answered questions about Election Integrity at the Alaska Roundtable and promised he would respond to direct questions about the 2020 election but nothing came of it, either.2

What if Alaska’s 2020 Election was Hacked?

Persistance is a Quality

This is my third run for the MatSu Borough Assembly. I’m running against Tim Hale this time and he’s the only other one on the ballot, said Endle.

Providing outstanding accommodations in Eagle River since 1991

We have had multiple people testify to the Assembly that they didn’t trust machines–very good testimony, continued Endle. No one, in either meeting said they want to keep the machines. The only people I see saying we got to keep the machines are those that are trolling my account on Facebook. We know some of them. They’re just far left.3

More than one issue

I’m a true conservative candidate, continued Endle. I got into the politics because there were a few people in our community working with the Borough Planning Department who wanted to take away our land rights. Our community did not want that.

Let me explain, said Endle: They wanted to put together a Comprehensive Plan, you know, targeting wood stoves, how owners can subdivide their land–that sort of thing. I went to the land section, I said, “this is not right”. I looked around the room and there were 15 people voting on the Comprehensive Plan that very few people even knew about. I happened to walk into the meeting–I see they’re voting on this stuff, and almost finished. At that point, I started getting people to those meetings. I got 15 people because they have 15 people. And it turned out there was actually nobody at the next meeting. So the Community Council President had to call a bunch of people to get them there.

Next, you know what the left does; they tried to demonize ME, said Endle. I didn’t really know my neighbors or whether they were okay with what was happening. We started going door to door; I met some prominent members of the community, and we got about 100 people together for a meeting at the Palmer Train Depot–which I paid for. And we started discussing it. There were over 100 people there. Of course, the Community Council members were there, too, going off like popcorn, trying to shut down discussion. I explained to them: “This is my meeting–you can have your own meeting when you pay for it.”

Endle: A community member stood up and said: “I wanted to hear what the rest of the community thinks about this–not the Community Council members”–and that’s when the whole meeting changed. Everybody was basically against this law. That’s when I knew that it had to be shut down. But not everybody knew how to shut it down. So we organized in small groups. And we developed a plan and a strategy to get this thing shut down.

At the next meeting they wanted to continue pushing this comprehensive plan, even after they saw what happened in the train depot, but we were prepared, continued Endle. One lady that they didn’t know stood up and asked to change the agenda to quash the comprehensive plan. The whole place erupted and the comments were very direct in favor of getting rid of this monstrosity being pushed by a minority.

Larry DeVilbiss was mayor and he asked me to join the Borough Planning Commission. I learned a lot about the public process there while we had several liberal members of the Assembly. I am now one member of a group of residents who want conservative policies in the borough. I am running to stop government overreach, minimize taxes, and assure election integrity. There are other issues, too: Recently, a boy insisted on going into a girl’s restroom at school–claiming he was transgender. That’s not an acceptable practice in my opinion.

I’m a born again Christian, and I believe the Lord leads me to do certain things, concluded Endle. I believe when I quit working for Conoco Phillips in 2019 He wanted me to quit. I focused the whole year on that assembly campaign. And since then, that’s allowed me to get our vacation rental business going. It has also allowed me to become familiar with the data aspect of the Valley Republican Party working with the Regional Representative to build a conservative base.

  1. Alaskans Have Much to Lose, May 1, 2021 []
  2. What if Alaska’s 2020 Election was Hacked? April 6, 2021 []
  3. Alaska Election Challenges October 27. 2021 []

1 thought on “Brian Endle: What Matters in the MatSu Valley? Election Integrity and Conservative Values”

  1. I just thought you should know that two unconstitutional POS’s hold high high possitions in you aria.

    Superior Court Judge Daniel Shally _ corrupt. Juneau
    District Court Judge Shawn Traini _ corrupt. Palmer
    Assistant District Attorney Josh Traini _ corrupt. Palmer
    Trooper Abraham Garcia _ corrupt. Not sure where he is.

    John Dye, Gulkana

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